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Pre K

Core Values
Respecting and Recognizing Individuality
Mutual respect, honesty, and personal responsibility are key elements as we work to build a community of learners.
Meaningful, Relevant Curriculum
A "training ground for real life”; EHS encourages each child to become a self-directed, active thinking, lifetime learner through exploration of their interests.
Interdisciplinary Learning
Learning focuses on the whole child: social, emotional, physical, sensory, and academic development is of equal importance. We strive to provide learning through multiple modalities, capitalizing on each child's uniqueness. Indoor and outdoor exploration is equally important.
Constructivist Approach
Attention to each child acknowledges the uniqueness of that individual; building upon strengths to progress to the next stage of development.
Parent-Teacher Partnership and Reflection
Parents and teachers are partners who work together to foster the optimal development of all children in our community. Reflecting together is integral to refining parenting and teaching practices.
Growth and Assessment
The process of observation and documentation is ongoing, designed to recognize individual growth and change. Portfolios, photos, and parent teacher conference records documenting development is integral to our process of assessment.
Community Building and Family Style Learning
Building a community of learners, sharing strengths, accepting support & communicating ideas without competition is a primary focus. Our mixed-age grouping encourages mentoring, and caregiving between older and younger children; fostering independence and empathy; and allowing siblings and different age friends to attend the program and grow together.

We foster our students’ love for learning, encourage them to try new and exciting things, and give them a solid foundation to build on.

Our vision is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential and biggest dreams.

We believe that each child is a unique individual and that all children can learn.

Your little ones are in great hands!
Take it from our parents: